Our 2024 Crop Sold Out!
Our 2024 harvest of certified organic Nova Scotian saffron is sold out. We will harvest again in October. Saffron has been used throughout the Middle East for centuries to add depth, colour, and flavour to dishes and is used widely in cooking around the world. Saffron can be added to any phase of cooking, but it works best when allowed to “bloom.” Just let it steep a bit in cold water before using.
Our own black, green, herbal, and smoked teas, all grown here on this farm from seed, are available for local sales only as quantities are limited. Use the Contact Us feature (above) to check on what teas are available.
Want to save on shipping? You can buy our saffron and tea in Nova Scotia at The Kiwi Pantry (Chester), Warehouse Market (Halifax), Jo-Anne’s (Mahone Bay), Spencer’s Garden Centre (Shelburne), The Red Onion Market (Annapolis Royal), Barrington Museum Complex (Barrington), DTC Natural (Barrington Passage), Yarmouth Natural Foods (Yarmouth), Beech Street Kitchen (Lockeport), and Bear River Mercantile (Bear River).
Cooking for crowds? Chefs from Vancouver Island to the Yukon Territory to Newfoundland and Labrador are using our saffron. Inquire about our wholesale pricing.
Let us show you around a bit….
Besides growing saffron and tea, we are the largest commercial vegetable producer in Shelburne County. You can find our produce at No Frills (Barrington Passage), Spencer’s Garden Center (Shelburne), and Lydgate Lock, Stock & Barrel (Lydgate/Lockeport). On Sundays from 12 PM to 3 PM, you’ll find us at Shelburne Guild Hall Market (Shelburne) with tables loaded with tea, saffron, and whatever vegetables and herbs are ready. If you’re in the area, though, and see the “open” sign, stop in, say hello, and buy right off the farm.
As if that weren’t enough, we supply organic vegetable and herb seedlings to Spencer’s Garden Center (Shelburne), Ouestville Perennials (W. Pubnico), No-Frills (Barrington Passage), and Wilson’s Home Hardware (Barrington Passage) in the spring to support our community’s desire to garden. No rest for the weary.