Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does it mean to have a net-negative carbon footprint?
A: It means we absorb more carbon dioxide than we produce
Most people know what it means to have a carbon footprint. Everyone has one. So does every business, and most businesses have much larger carbon footprints than any one individual.
So what does it mean when we say that Coastal Grove Farm is striving for a net negative carbon footprint? It means that if you add up all our energy expenditure — from heating our farmhouse and greenhouses, having the lights on, driving our vehicles and backhoes and tillers, and every other activity that creates carbon dioxide emissions — after all that is added up, we are aiming to contribute less than zero greenhouse gas emissions.
How is this possible? First of all, we aim to use as little gasoline or petrol as possible. Burning fossil fuels is the number one easiest way to increase the size of your carbon footprint. By using natural, renewable energy to heat our farmhouse and greenhouses, we cut our emissions by more than half.* Secondly, we run a farm that grows plants, and plants suck up CO2 from the atmosphere and produce oxygen in its place.
So, by adding up all our carbon emissions, both the ones we contribute and the ones we absorb, Coastal Grove Farm comes out with a small carbon footprint — through constant improvements, we hope to actually absorb more CO2 than we produce!
We want to leave our little plot of land a better place than when we found it, and this is a necessary step in the right direction.
Q: Do you ship your products internationally?
A: Yes - Or at least, we will!
Yes, we will ship internationally when our products become available. The price of shipping will depend on the weight of the products you select and the distance they will be travelling. When you’re purchasing online, you will be given a shipping amount before you confirm your order.
Q: I have questions about growing organically. Can I chat with you about your practices?
A: Absolutely - reach out to us at any time, we’re happy to help.
We love to chat with others about farming and how we run Coastal Grove Farm sustainably. Please give us a call, fill out the form on the Contact page, or drop by our farmer’s market stall on the weekends for a chat.